In English there are the following words for days when employees do not work:
Holiday: The days when people do not work due to special events (state, national and religious celebrations or observances). In fact, these days are often non-working days!
For example: Christmas, New Year’s Day, Labour Day, etc.
Vacation: The period of time in which the workforce get off work. Usually, the time is determined by the agreement of the employer and the employee according to the contract and during this period, the employee generally receives full salary and benefits.
For example trip, rest, leisure, etc.
Leave: A period of time taken because of the personal reasons which has been considered by working conditions and is usually shorter than vacation. The amount of salary and benefits may be reduced or even considered as unpaid leave.
For example sick leave, attending a personal appointment, dealing with a family emergency, etc.
The employee is entitled to an uninterrupted rest period of at least 24 hours on the holiday. (13 -16 public holidays)
Weekend rest (Wochenendruhe)
The employee is entitled to and uninterrupted rest period of 36 hours in every calendar week, which must fall on Sunday. (52-53 days -> only Sunday / 104-106 days -> Saturday & Sunday )
Common reasons of Leave:
Annual leave
In Austria employees who works around 38.5 hours per week from Monday to Friday, are entitled to up to 25 working days of paid annual leave.
Substitute rest (Ersatzruhe)
The employee who is employed during his weekly rest period is entitled to substitute rest.
ZA: Time compensation (ZA: Zeitausgleichs)
Employee can agree with employer to compensate the overtime, late or night shifts through free time.
Fenstertage (Window days, Bridge days)
In case Thursday or Tuesday is a day off work, take a day off in between to have a long weekend.
Family hospice leave (Familienhospizkarenz)
Employees have an opportunity to take temporary leave to accompany dying relatives or seriously ill children by reducing or shifting working hours, while maintaining their employment relationship.
Parental leave (Elternkarenz / Karenzurlaub)
Parent have the right to be released from work in return for loss of pay. (usually eight weeks after the birth)
The employee is entitled to exemption from work to participate in training and educational event. ( 3 weeks and 3 working days)
Educational leave (Bildungskarenz):
The employee have the opportunity to take part in the training and further education without having to terminate the employment relationship. (2-12 months within 4 years)
Nursing leave (Pflegefreistellung / Pflegekarenz)
Employees have the option of agreeing on care leave or part time care leave for a limited period of time in order to organize the nursing issue.
Some other reasons:
Vacation personal holiday (Urlaub persönlicher Feiertag) -> Good Friday (Karfreitag)
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