Viennese dialect (Wiener Dialekt):
Austria is one of the German speaking countries and the first official language is German. There are different dialects throughout the country and other provinces. One of these dialects is the Viennese dialect, which is somewhat essential for newcomers to Vienna.
Some Dialect Tips:
Change in pronouns:
- “ich” => “i”
- “dich” => “di”
- “wir” => “ma” => for example gehen wir (Let's go) => Gemma
- “Das” => “Des”
Change in articles:
- “ein” ,“eine” => “e”
- “kein”, “ keine” => “ka”
- “ keine” for plural=> “kane”
- “keinen” => “kan”
- “keines” => “kans”
- “keiner” => “kana”
Change in verbs:
- “ist“ =>“is“
While “en” is in the end, “e” is often omitted.
- kochen => kochn (cook)
While “el” is in the end, “e” is often omitted.
- Apfel => Apfl (apple)
While “er” is in the end => “a”
- Kinder => Kinda (children)
Change “chen“ to “erl“
- bísschen=> bisserl (a little)
Adding “erl” at the end for diminishment:
- Sackerl => Tüte (bag)
Adding “erl” at the end for expression of emotional affection:
- Enkerl
Remove “en” at the end and Adding “l” at the end for diminishment:
- Kastl => kleiner Kasten (small box, TV)
- Eins => an
- Zwei => Zwar
- Sieben => Siem
- Acht => ocht
- Neun => nein
- Endung zig => zk
- Endung ßig => ßk
- „und“ between numbers => “a“
- Einundzwanzig =>anazwanzk
- Siebenundzwanzig => siemazwanzk
Greetings and saying goodbye:
- Griaß Di => Grüß Dich (Hello)
- Servus => Hello/bye
- Pfirti, Pfiat di => Auf Wiedersehen (Goodbye)
Body parts:
- Goschn => Mund (mouth)
- Haxn => Beine (legs)
- Erdapfel => Kartoffel (potato)
- Blunzn => Blutwurst (blood sausage)
- Burenhäudl => Burenwurst (Buren sausage)
- Haaße => Burenwurst (Buren sausage)
- Eitrige => Käsekrainer (cheese krainer sausage)
- Bratl => Schweinsbraten (pork roast)
- Brioche => feines Hefegebäck (fine yeast pastries)
- Brösel => Semmelbrösel, Paniermehl (breadcrumbs)
- Eierspeis => Rührei (egg dish, scrambled eggs)
- Faschiert´s => Hackfleisch (minced meat)
- Fleischlaberl => Bulette (meatball)
- Leberkaas => Fleischkäse (Meat loaf)
- Semmel => Brötchen (roll, bun)
- Krapfen => Berliner (Donut)
- Schlagobers => Schlagsahne (whipped cream)
- Rahm => Sahne (cream)
- Sauerrahm => saure Sahne (sour cream)
- Palatschinkn => Pfannkuchen (pancakes)
- Schmarrn => Kaiserschmarrn (pastries braised in fat)
- Topfn => Quark
- Zuckerl => Bonbon (sweets)
- Schmankerl => Leckerbissen, Gustostück (delicacies)
- Maroni => Edelkastanien (sweet chestnuts)
- habern => essen (meal)
- Einspänner => Kaffe im Glas mit Schlagobershaube (Coffee in a glass with whipped cream)
- Melange => Kaffee mit aufgeschäumter Milch (Coffee with frothed milk)
- G'spritzter => Schorle (spritzer)
- Most => unvergorener Traubensaft (unfermented grape juice)
- Doppler => 2 Liter Wein (2 liters of wine)
- fett => betrunken (drunk)
- Cappy => Orangensaft (orange juice)
- Kraut=> Weißkohl (white cabbage)
- Karottn => Möhre (carrot)
- Karfiol => Blumenkohl (cauliflower)
- Kren => Meerrettich (horseradish)
- Kukuruz => Mais (corn)
- Porre => Lauch (leek)
- Zwetschkn => Pflaume (plum)
- Hendl => Hähnchen (chicken)
- Zinder => Streichhölzer (matches)
- Sess´l => Stuhl (chair)
- Kibel => Eimer (bucket)
- Mistkibel => Abfalleimer (Trash can)
- Kasten => Schrank (wardrobe)
- Schlapfen => Pantoffeln, Hausschuhe (Slippers)
- Rauchfangkehrer => Schornsteinfeger (chimney sweeper)
- Häferl => mittelgroße Tasse (medium sized cup)
- Marie => Geld (money)
- Tschick => Zigarette (cigarette)
- Häusl => WC (WC)
- Heuriger => Weinlokal (wine bar)
- Käfig => umzäunter Fußballplatz (fenced football field)
- Stiege => Treppe (stairway)
- Trafik => Tabakwarengeschäft (tobacco shop)
- Bim => Straßenbahn (tram)
- Öffis => Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel (public transportation)
- Rettung => Krankenwagen (ambulance)
- Pickerl => Klebeetikett (adhesive label)
Insulting words:
- Deppert => dumm (stupid)
- Depperta => dummer Mensch (stuipid human)
- Des is a Schass => Das ist eine Scheiße (this is a shit)
- Des is ka Lercherl => Das ist kein Lercherl
- Schleich Di! => Verschwinde! (Get out of here!)
- Geh Di brausn! => Verschwinde! (Get out of here!)
- Gusch! => Sei still! (Be quiet!)
- Halt die Goschn! => Sei still! (Be quiet!)
Some other adjectives:
- Schiach => häßlich (ugly)
- gach => schnell (fast)
Some other nouns:
- Schmäh => Witz (joke)
- Hackn => Arbeit (work)
- Hoppala => Mißgeschick (Misfortune)
Some other verbs:
- Hackln => arbeiten (work)
- picken => kleben (glue)
- plauschen => plaudern (chat)
Related items:
- Winer Dialekt: Stadt Wien Website
- Styrian Dialect (Der Steirische Dialekt)
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