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086: Water extinguishing systems, changes for greater efficiency!

Water extinguishing system is the most common fire extinguisher based on the cheapest and most accessible extinguishing agent, water.

1- Portable extinguisher (hand heldwheeled)

2- Fixed extinguisher:

  • Fire sprinkler system (wet, dry): Activation of the system depends on the activation of the sprinklers with raising the temperature.
  • Deluge system: Piping are open and water is behind the deluge valve. Fire alarm system will issue the command of extinguishing to the deluge valve.
  • Pre-action system (Non-interlock, single interlock, double interlock): Used where accidental activation of system is not acceptable.
  • Electronic sprinkler system: Sprinkler types are electronic.
  • Foam water sprinkler system: Water and low expansion foam concentrate will be mixed.
  • Water spray system: Similar to deluge system but with different piping and nozzles.
  • Water mist system: Creates heat absorbent vapour to control the fire.

Fire sprinkler system components:

  1. Water supply system: to provide water with required pressure and flow rate to the piping system
  2. Distribution piping
  3. Fire sprinkler
  4. Alarm check valve
  5. Dry pipe valve
  6. Air pressure supply components
  7. Pre-action valve

Note1: Installation of water based systems must be according to standards and local regulations.

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