Waste separation (segregation) in Austria is done in the following classifications:
- Paper (Papier)
- Office paper (Büropapier)
- Brochures (Prospekte)
- Newspapers (Zeitungen)
- Boxes (Schachteln)
- Cardboard (Pappe)
- Carton (Karton)
- Paper bags (Papiertüten)
- Plastic (Plastik)
- Plastics (Kunststoffe)
- Foils (Folien)
- Packaging (Verpackungen)
- Milk & juice packets (Milch & Safttüten)
- Plastic bottles (Plastikflaschen)
- Mug (Becher)
- Styrofoam (Styropor)
- Glass (Glas)
- Disposable bottles (Einwegflaschen)
- Disposable glasses (Einweggläser)
- Broken glass (Glasbruch)
- Mason jars (Einmachgläser)
- Canning jars (Konservengläser)
- Flacons (Flakons)
- Organic (Bio)
- Fruit & Vegetables (Obst & Gemüse)
- Coffee grounds (Kaffeesatz)
- Teabag (Teebeutel)
- Egg shells (Eierschalen)
- Flowers (Blumen)
- Grass cut (Grasschnitt)
- Pastry leftovers (Gebäckreste)
- Metal (Metall)
- E-Waste (Elektroschrott)
Generally, in villages and small towns or in the suburbs of big cities there are two trash cans:
- Residual waste (Restmüll)
- Ash (Asche)
- Vacuum cleaner bags (Staubsaugerbeutel)
- Rubber (Gummi)
- Textiles (Textilien)
- Crockery (Geschirr)
- Hygiene items (Hygieneartikel)
- Rubbish (Kehricht)
- Organic waste (Biomüll)
In public places such as subways, there are sometimes trash cans with a higher separation level.
- Plastic bottles (Plasticflaschen) and Cans (Dosen)
- Residual waste (Restmüll)
- Waste paper (Altpapier)
- Metal (Metall)
In large residential complexes or in high-access streets in big cities, the following waste containers are placed:
1-Plastic bottles (Plasticflashen), Juice cartons (Plasticflashen), Cans (Dosen)
2- Waste paper (Altpapier, Kartoon)
3- Glass (Glas)
- White glass (Weissglas)
- Stained glass (Buntglas)
4- Clothes, shoes (Kleidung, Schuhe)
Sometimes the following items are written next to the buckets:
- Only usefull clothes (Nur brauchbare Kleidung)
- Bed - household linen (Bett-Haushaltswäsche)
- Small scraps of fabric and mattresses (Kleine Stoffreste und Matratzen)
- Only old clothes that are well packed in sacks remain usable (Nur gut in Säcke verpackte Altkleider bleiben brauchbar)
- For more information refer to below links:
5- Dog waste trash can
6- Oils
Sample from INTERSPAR Shop:
- DE:
Altspeiseöl / Hier Nachhaltig / Entsorgen and Geld sparen / 1) Klappen Öffnen / 2) Alspeisöl einleeren / 3) Start drücken / 4) Vergütungsbon an der Kassa einlösen / 5) Sammeldose weiterverwenden
- EN:
Used cooking oil / Sustainable here / Dispose of and save money / 1) Open flaps / 2) Pour in cooking oil / 3) Press start / 4) Redeem the voucher at the cash desk / 5 Reuse the collection container
7- Electronic Equipment
8- Special trash cans
9- Bulky waste (Sperrmüll)
- Bulky waste should be delivered to the dumping ground (Mistplatz). Please pay attention to the delivery restrictions. For example, in Vienna, there are currently regulations similar to the following:
- One entrance per day
- One cubic meter per day
- Vehicle with a max. permissible weight of 3,5 tonnes
- The car belongs to the same area or belongs to car rental companies or home appliance distributors in the same area
10- Find box (Fund Box), Lost Property Box for low value items
- In some streets of Vienna, boxes have been placed to drop off low value found items (lost properties).
- Clothing
- Umbrella
- Valuable founds must be hand in to central lost property service of Vienna in person!
- Cash (more than 10 Euro)
- Wallets
- ID Cards or documents
- Electronic devices
- Lost property service of Vienna:
- Location: Siebenbrunnenfeldgasse 3, 1050 Wien
- Hotline: +43 1 4000-8091
11- Street Libraries (Offene Bibliothek)
As a part of Austrian and especially Vienna culture, books, magazines, multimedia storages etc. are not thrown away. Generally, places in cities and villages have been dedicated to share them with other, which, in addition to its cultural benefits, has made the city more beautiful and lovely.
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