How to rent a car in Austria Slide Hamido dot at

196: How to rent a car in Austria?

Renting a car in different countries may have different rules and regulations. But usually the big car rental companies have similar rental terms which you can find it in their website or you will receive it along with your contract.

Car Rental Companies:

Some of the companies currently operating in Austria are listed below:

You can also use other websites which offer you a wide range of car rental companies:

If you are not familiar with the car rental conditions, you may be surprised at the final payment of the invoice!


There are generally two types of prices when renting a car:

  1. Basic price based on below items
    • Pick-up location
    • Pick-up and drop-off (return) date and time
    • Pre-pay online or at location
    • Vehicle type (Saloon, SUV, Coupe, Convertible, Family car, Estate, Guaranteed model, Electric Vehicle, luxury vehicle etc.)
    • Vehicle transmission (Automatic or Manual)
  2. Extra costs/Hidden costs
    • Taxes
    • Additional charges for extra kilometres or convert to unlimited kilometre
    • Driving in different countries in Europe (you have to pay different fees for different zones)
    • Additional driver
    • Infant/child seat
    • Insurances (Personal, Scratches, Bumps, Collision, Theft, Tyre, Windscreen, Interior Protection etc.)
    • Highway fee
    • Winterisation fee
    • Fuel Service (Filling the tank after delivery)
    • Cleaning the outside and inside of the car after delivery (same as when receiving the car)
    • Modification/Amendment of the contract
    • Traffic fines
    • Underage-driver fee (for example under 25) or driver must have held driver’s license for a certain number of years)
    • Using a navigator/GPS system!
    • Upgrade (changing the type of car at the time of receiving the car)


Note that most of the payments are made on a daily basis.

Usually, an amount is received from you as a deposit or permission to withdraw it from your account if needed. Some companies only accept credit cards, but some companies also accept payments within debit cards of Austrian banks.

Car condition (before & after the delivery)

  1. Check the car carefully while receiving the car and make some photos and videos.
  2. Take some photos and videos while delivering the car.
  3. Compare the final invoice and proforma-invoice which you have received before. In case of any contradiction, ask them to clarify the matter for you!
  4. Try to keep the invoices for the payment of fuel costs, separate highway costs, vignette, etc. for a few weeks or make the payment with bank cards so that in case of any problem you have proof of your payments.

German Words - Car:

  • Das Auto (The car)
  • Der Reifen (The tire)
  • Der Sitz (The sit)
  • Das Lenkrad (The steering wheel)
  • Das Steuer (The steering)
  • Das Steuerrad (The steering wheel)
  • Der Blinker (The turn signal, The blinker)
  • Der Rückspiegel (The rearview mirror)
  • Der Außenspiegel (The outside mirror)
  • Die Hupe (The Horn)
  • hupen (hoot, honk)
  • Das Auto starten (Start the car)
  • Der Gang (The gear)
  • schalten (change gear)
  • Die Bremse (The brake)
  • bremsen (brake)
  • Das Bremspedal (The brake pedal)
  • Das Gaspedal (The accelerator pedal, The gas pedal)
  • Gas geben (accelerate)
  • Das Kupplungspedal (The clutch pedal)
  • auskuppeln (disengage the clutch)
  • Der Seitenspiegel (The side mirror)
  • Der Rückenspiegel (The back mirror)
  • Die Stoßstange (The bumper)
  • Die Motorhaube (The bonnet, The engine hood)
  • Das Nummernschild (The license plate)
  • Der Kofferraum (The trunk)
  • Der Autotür (The car door)
  • Die Handbremse (The handbrake)
  • Das Armaturenbrett (The dashboard)
  • Die Scheibenwischer (The windshield wipers)
  • Die Strafe (The fine, The penalty, The punishment)
  • Das Bußgeld (The fine)
  • Die Geschwindigkeit (The speed)
  • Das Verkehrsschild (The traffic sign, The road sign)
  • überholen (overtake)
  • anschnallen (buckle up)
  • Den Gurt anlegen (Put on the belt)
  • parken (park)

Conversation in German – Car:

  • Ich sitze am Steuer (I am at the wheel)
  • Ich fahre das Auto (I am driving the car)
  • Rechts abbiegen (Turn right)
  • Links abbiegen (Turn left)
  • Komm, setz dich (Come, sit down)
  • Ich sitze neben dem Fahrer (I am sitting next to the driver)
  • Ich fahre mit dem Auto (I go by car)
  • Ich fahre los (I drive off, I am leaving)
  • Der Schlüssel klemmt (The key is stuck)
  • Das Auto springt nicht an (The car doesn’t start)
  • Ich mache die Motorhaube auf (I open the engine hood)
  • Die Batterie ist leer. (The battery is empty)
  • Ich lasse mir mein Auto reparieren (I'm getting my car repaired)

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