Post in Austria Slider

246: Post in Austria

Most of the famous courier companies in Europe are also active in Austria but Austria Post is still one of the most popular couriers.

It is better to get acquainted with some shipment terms in advance:

Parcel types:

  • Documents
    • Personal IDs (passports, visa applications etc.)
    • Paper documents (letters, contracts, forms, commercial documents etc.)
  • Packages
    • Boxes up to around 70 kg.
  • Pallets
    • Items packed on a pallet.
  • Large shipments
    • Van
    • Truck

Important factors for shipment:

  • Size (Dimension)
  • Weight
  • Delivery time
    • Standard
    • Express
  • Shipping label (waybill)
    • Addresses (sender, recipient)
    • Locations (pick-up, delivery)
    • Service type (shipping method etc.)
    • Printed and attached to the parcel

What do we expect from courier companies?

  • Easy delivery (Sending parcels)
  • Easy pick-up (Receiving parcels)
  • Fast shipment
  • Reasonable shipping cost
  • Real-time tracking
  • Insurance
  • Reliability

The most famous company for shipping in Austria is the Austrian Post Corporation:

  • Name: Österreichische Post AG (Aktiengesellschaft)
  • Founded: 1999
  • Number of employees: 23,000 (2020)
0001 Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft Logo
0002 Post Box

Different methods of package delivery by Austria Post:

  • Postal receiving box (Postempfangsbox)
    • Usually located in ground floor or outside of the building close to the entrance door
    • Take the received letter (Benachrichtigungskarte) and press the barcode firmly against the button and the box opens.
    • After you pick up your package or letter, put the notification letter in and close the box again.
1001 Postempfangsbox
  • Pick-up station (Abholstation)
    • Enter the pick-up station and stand in front of the machine.
    • Scanning the notification code (Benachrichtigungscode) on the received letter (Benachrichtigungskarte).
    • Confirmation of acceptance by signature (Übernahmebestätigung)
    • Post locker will be opened and you can pick-up your envelope or parcel.
1003 Abholstation 01
1004 Abholstation 02

In most post offices, it is possible to send letters and packages after office working hours as well.

2001 Versenden
2002 Frankieren

As a newcomer to Austria, you will definitely need to visit the post office in the first few weeks. Therefore, it is better to prepare yourself for that position.

Commonly used terms and phrases in the post (office häufig verwendete Begriffe und Redewendungen in der Post):

  • die Post (post office)
    • die Luft­post (airmail)
  • die Stelle (place, spot)
    • die Poststelle (post office)
  • das Amt (office)
    • das Post­amt (post office)
  • die Post­leit­zahl (postal code, zip code)
  • der Brief (letter)
  • der Briefkasten (mailbox, postbox)
  • der Postbeamte, die Postbeamtin (post office clerk)
  • der Brief­trä­ger (postman), die Brief­trä­gerin (postwoman)
  • der Postbote (postman), die Postbotin (postwoman)
  • der Paketbote, die Paketbotin (parcel carrier)
  • der Schalter (counter)
  • der Postkasten (mailbox, postbox)
  • der Um­schlag (envelope)
    • der Briefumschlag (envelope)
  • das Kuvert (envelope)
  • das Pa­ket (parcel, package)
    • der Pa­ket­schein (parcel label)
  • das Päck­chen (parcel, small package)
  • die Brief­mar­ke (postage stamp)
  • der Briefmarkenautomat (postage stamp machine, stamp vending machine)
  • das Por­to (postage)
  • die Postgebühr (postage)
  • die Kle­bung (gluing)
    • kleben (stick, glue)
    • aufkleben (stick on)
  • frankieren (stamp)
  • die Einschreibegebühr (registration fee)
  • das Papier (paper)
  • die Post­kar­te (postcard)
  • die Ansichtskarte (postcard)
  • die zerbrechliche Ge­gen­stände (fragile objects)
  • die Adresse (address)
  • die Anschrift (address)
  • der Absender (sender)
  • der Empfänger (receiver)
  • die Mas­se (dimensions)
    • messen (measure up)
  • die Länge (length)
  • die Brei­te (wide)
  • die Hö­he (height)
  • das Ge­wicht (weight)
    • wiegen (to weigh)
  • die Waa­ge (scale)
  • packen (pack)
  • verpacken (pack)
  • abpacken (pack)
  • einpacken (pack, wrap up)
  • einwerfen (post, throw in)
  • schicken (send)
  • abschicken (send)
  • verschicken (send)
  • zuschicken (send)
  • senden (send)
  • absenden (send)
  • versenden (send, to ship)
  • entsenden (send)
  • die Ein­schrei­bung (registered letter, enrollment)
  • zur Post gehen (to go to the post office)
  • in/auf/bei der Post sein (to be in the post office)
  • den Brief in den Umschlag tun (to put the letter into the envelope)

Conversation at the post office:

Die Konversation (conversation):

  • Ich gehe zur Post. (I go to the post office)
  • Ich bringe ein Paket zur Post. (I'm taking a package to the post office)
  • Ich bin in / bei / auf der Post. (I'm at the post office)
  • Wo ist die nächste Post? (Where is the nearest post office?)
  • Wo ist das nächste Postamt? (Where is the nearest post office?)
  • Ist hier ein Briefkasten in der Nähe? (Is there a post-box nearby?)
  • Wann öffnet das Postamt? (When does the post office open?)
  • Wann schließt das Postamt? (when does the post office close?)
  • Ich möchte diesen Brief nach/in/für ... schicken. (I want to send this letter to ...)
  • Ich möchte diese Postkarte nach/in/für ... schicken. (I want to send this postcard to ...)
  • Ich möchte dieses Paket nach/in/für ... schicken. (I want to send this package to ...)
  • Was ist denn drin? (what's inside?)
  • Wohin geht dieses Paket? (Where is this package going?)
  • Haben Sie den Paketschein ausgefüllt? (Did you fill out the parcel label?)
  • So schnell wie möglich (as quickly as possible, ASAP)
  • Was kostet dieser Brief nach/in/für ...? (What does this letter cost to ...?)
  • Bitte kleben Sie eine Briefmarke auf den Umschlag. (please stick a postage stamp on the envelope )
  • Ist genug Porto auf diesem Brief? (Is there enough postage on this letter?)
  • Per Luftpost? (by airmail?)
  • per Einschreibung? (by registered letter, by enrollment?)
  • Wie lange dauert ein Brief nach/in/für ... ? (How long does a letter to ... take?)
  • Wie lange braucht ein Brief nach/in/für ... ? (How long does a letter to ... take?)
  • Wann kommt es denn ungefähr an? (When does it arrive roughly?)
  • Es dauert etwa ... Tage. (It takes about ... days)
  • Sonst noch was? (Is there anything else?)
  • Sie können die Sendungsnummer verfolgen. (you can track (follow up) the tracking number)


1- When writing the address on the envelope or package, note that the sender’s address is written at the top left corner and the recipient’s address on the lower right.

2- In addition, you can refer to the following subjects to get acquainted with commonly used words and phrases:

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