Drinks in Austria Slider

220: Drinks in Austria – Non-alcoholic

Soft drinks (Alkoholfreie Getränke)

Cold drinks (Kalte Getränke):

  • Almdudler
  • Viennese lemonade (Wiener Kracherl)
  • Lemon Juice (Zitronensaft)
  • Raspberry lemonade (Himbeerkracherl)
  • Apple Juice (Apfelsaft)
  • Elderflower syrup (Holunderblüten Sirup)
  • Raspberry Juice (Himbeersaft)
  • Strawberry juice (Erdbeersaft)
  • Grape Juice Rose (Traubensaft Rose)
  • Soda
  • Ayran
  • Iced coffee (Eiskaffee)

Energy Drink

Coca Cola

Coca Cola

Himbeer Zitrone - Karaffee

Himbeer Zitrone - Karaffee

Zitronenlimonade - Karaffee

Zitronenlimonade - Karaffee

Hollundersaft - Karaffee

Holundersaft - Karaffee

Hot drinks (Heiße Getränke):

Various types of coffee (Verschiedene Kaffeesorten)

  • Black coffee with milk (Brauner)
  • Espresso, highland bean (Hochlandbohne)
  • Cappuccino => Espresso , steamed milk + milk froth
  • Melange => Similar to Cappuccino but with less steamed milk and less milk froth
  • Macchiato => Similar to Cappuccino but with a higher proportion of espresso than milk
  • Extended (Verlängerter) => Black coffee without milk + hot water
  • Mug coffee (Häferlkaffee)




Various types of tea (Diverse Teesorten)

  • Black tea (Schwarztee)
  • Green tea (Grüntee)
  • Fruits tea (Früchtetee)
  • Peppermint tea (Pfefferminztee)
  • Rosehip tea (Hagebuttentee)
2004_Fruit_Tea_ Teabag_Source_Hamido_dot_at

Fruit tea - Tea bag


Black tea - Tea bag

2003_Black_Tea_brewed tea_Source_Hamido_dot_at

Black tea - Brewed tea

Children tea (Kinderpunsh) - without Alcohol

  • Fruit tea, apple/orange juice, clove (Nelke), cinnamon (Zimt), lemon, orange, sugar
2003 Kinderpunsch (Source-Hamido.at)

Children tea (Kinderpunsh)

  1. Hot Chocolate (Heiße Schokolade)
2005 Hot Chocolate (Heiße Schokolade)

Hot Chocolate (Heiße Schokolade)

Conversation (Gespräch):

Order (Bestellen):

  • Ich hätte gerne eine Cola, bitte. (I would like a cola, please)

Invitation to a drink (Einladung zu einem Drink):

  • Ich gehe jetzt einen Kaffee trinken. (I'm going to have a coffee now)
  • Kommst du mit, damit wir uns ausruhen können? (Are you coming with me so we can get some rest?)
    • Natürlich, ich komme mit. (Of course, I'll come with you.)
    • Super, lass uns gehen! (Great, let's go!)

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