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261: Sankt Pölten – General Information

General Information:

  • Federal State: Lower Austria (Niederösterreich)
    • State capital
  • Population: 54,000 (2017)
  • Distance from Vienna:
    • Train: 00:25 – 00:30 hours
    • Personal car: 1 h (approx. 65 km)
    • Car License Plate: P
  • Geographical situation:
  • Climate:
    • Oceanic climate
  • Districts: 14 (Not numbered)
Sankt Pölten - Flag
Sankt Pölten - City Logo

Tourist attractions and historical places:

Streets & Squares & Markets:

  • Altstadt (Old Town, Historic Center)
  • Herrenplatz
  • Riemerplatz
  • Heßstraße

Historical buildings and symbols:

  • Town hall (Rathausplatz)
  • Public event hall (Stadtsäle)
  • State Theater of Lower Austria (Landestheater Niederösterreich)
  • Olbrich-Haus

Statues, wells, fountains, doors, chapels, monuments:

  • Klangturm (Sound tower), the city's landmark


  • City museum St. Pölten (Stadtmuseum St. Pölten)
  • Lower Austrian state museum (Museum Niederösterreich)
  • Lower Austrian documentation institute for modern art
  • Museum im Hof
  • Private museum Wilhelmsburger ornament and utensil dishes
  • Diocese museum St. Pölten

Schools and Universities:

  • Pölten University of Applied Sciences
  • New Design University (interior architecture and graphics design)
  • Philosophical-theological university
  • Lower Austrian state academy

Parks & Landmarks:

  • Pielachtaler Pilgerweg
  • Manker Wallfahrerweg

Churches & Religious centers:

  • Franciscan Church and Monastery (Franziskanerkirche)
  • Sankt Pölten Cathedral (Domkirche St. Pölten / Die Kathedralkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt)
  • Former synagogue (Ehemalige Synagoge)
  • Prandtauerkirche und Karmeliterhof
  • Diocese building (Bistumsgebäude)


  • Hauptfriedhof St. Pölten

Excitement and fun:

  • Repertory theatre Cinema Paradiso
  • Festspielhaus (Festival hall, theater)
  • Event-centre (VAZ: Veranstaltungszentrum)

Foods, Snacks, Sweets and Drinks (Alcoholic, Non-Alcoholic):

  • Beef soup (Rindsuppe)
  • Beef goulash (Rindsgulasch)
  • Tafelspitz
  • Fried chicken (Backhendl)
  • Dumplings (Knödel)
  • Strudel
  • Sankt Pölten beer

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