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048: How to choose cabinet for LV electrical distribution panel

Electrical cabinet (enclosure) is used to mount electrical and electronic equipment to prevent electrical shock to equipment and users.

Why we use enclosure for LV electrical equipment?

  1. Safety (Isolation of live circuit)
  2. Security (Restrict access)
  3. Centralization and control

Enclosure specification (for Electrical LV distribution panel):

  1. Robustness (e.g. Metallic)
  2. Resistance to environmental conditions
  3. Equipped with lock
  4. Light
  5. Fan (if needed)
  6. Place for panel documentation and maintenance forms.
  7. Enough spare space for future extension

How to choose the enclosure:

  1. Make power calculation for building. (For all systems which need electricity from the panel)
  2. Prepare single line diagram for all required electrical circuits (lines).
  3. Provide the list of Material (Material take off)
  4. Select the required material from manufacturers according to the design (To have an idea about the dimension etc.)
  5. Prepare the Panel layout / Panel wiring diagram according to above documents and data.
  6. Now you can easily select the type and specification of electrical enclosure for the LV distribution panel. Required dimension, spare space, ingress protection, accessors such as fan (according to thermal study maybe natural ventilation would be enough), cable route, duct, terminals and so on.

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