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183: Fire Detection and Alarm System Basics

Fire alarm system topics:

Topics related to fire alarm systems and component can be reviewed in the following categories:

Initiating Devices:

Initiating Manually:

Manual fire alarm stations (Pull Boxes)

  • Manual Stations/Fire Alarm Boxes/Pull Stations
    • Very good smoke and fire detector!
    • Red color
    • Must be reset manually after operation
  • Types:
    • Single action (Direct)
    • Double action (Indirect): Reduce malicious false alarm, Lifting the cover and pulling the handle or break the glass and push the button

Initiating Automatically:

1- Smoke Detectors: Detect and respond to the smoke from a fire

1-1- Spot type Detector

1-2- Duct Detector

  • For Heating ventilation, air conditioning system or HVAC
  • To prevent uncontrolled spread of the smoke in the area
  • Monitor air
  • Control system fans
  • Not a substitute for area detectors

1-3- Linear Beam Detector

  • Use to cover large spaces

1-4- Air Sampling Detector

2- Heat Detectors: Detect and respond to the heat from a fire

2-1 Spot type Detector

  • Fixed Temperature
  • Rate of Rise (More than 15 degrees per Min.)
  • Rate of compensation
    • Tubular shell and two expansion struts
    • Under compression and fitted with an open contact
    • Shell an struts have different coefficient of expansion
    • Shell expands and lengthens slively
    • Struts lengthen at slower rate than the shell
    • Device initiates an alarm faster than fixed temperature device
  • Heat Detector structure for resetting:
    • Non restorable
  • Designed with a fusible element that melts rapidly at a predetermined temperature
  • Detection element must be replaced after operation
    • Restorable
  • Automatically resets itself
  • Contains a chamber with flexible diaphragm and calibrated vent
  • Air in Chamber expands faster than it can escape
  • Expanding air moves diaphragm so contact closes and alarm initiates

2-2- Linear Heat Detector

  • Installed in loops around the protected premises
  • Responds like a spot type heat detectors
  • Types:
  • Fixed Temperature
  • Rate of Rise
    • Uses metal tubing
    • Tubing installed in loops
    • Air within tubing expand and move diaphragm and close the contact

2-3- Fiber Optic Sensor Cable

  • In harsh environment
  • Sensor Cable is designed for useful life of 30 years!

3- Flame detector or Radiant energy detector

  • Ultra Violet (UV)
  • Infrared (IR)
  • Responds to radiant energy
  • Use to sense smokeless combustible liquid and gas fire which can expand rapidly

4- Gas Detector

5- Interfaces

The main signals in the building through interfaces are related to Sprinkler system.

Sprinkler is a heat activated fire detector and extinguishing device which after activation and water flow, below signals related to pipe and valve must be monitored.

  • Water flow switches
  • Valve tamper switches
  • Supervisory devices

Sprinkler system types:

Sprinkler system signals:

5-1- Water flow switches

  • Vane Type

Vane or Paddle inserted in the sprinkler system pipe

Vane operate the switch initiating alarm when water flow

  • Pressure Type

5-2- Valve Tamper Switch

Indicates when valve is not fully open

5-2-1- Tank Water Level Switch

5-2-2- Tank Temperature Switch

  • Storage tank in climate that experience very low temperature
  • Prevents from freezing

5-2-3- Tank Pressure Switch

  • For high (excess) and low pressure
  • Either supervisory

5-2-4- Water Pressure Switch

  • Monitors pressure of water entering the building from the city water utility
  • Supervises supply pressure
  • Are installed at the alarm valve
  • High and low pressure are monitored

5-2-5- Air Pressure Switch

  • Dry pipe and pre action systems do not have water in piping
  • Some systems charged with inert gas
  • High and low air pressure are monitored

5-2-6- Room Temperature Switch

  • Monitors room temperature to prevent freezing
  • Frozen water damages the pipes

5-2-7- Fire Pump Supervision

  • Provide sufficient pressure to deliver water
  • Supervised conditions:
  • Pump running
  • Power failure and phase reversal
  • Fuel level or source
  • Failure to start

Notification Appliances:

  1. A) Audible Appliances:
  • Horn
  • Bell
  • Buzzer
  • chime
  1. B) Visual Appliances:
  • Strobe
  • Sign
  1. C) Combination Appliances (Audible-Visual)

Audible Notification:

  • Creat a distinictive sound
  • Operate in continuous and temporal modes
  • Bell (striking a gong with a hammer)
  • Most modern horns are electronic
  • Chimes use in places like hospital in which a state of panic by building occupant might be concern.
  • Temporal Signal (March time)

Additional Audible Application:

  • Used for severe weather condition
  • Uses a different signal pattern (for example to notify the building occupants to move to designated safe area of the building)

Visual Notification:

  • Supplement audible devices
  • Alert hearing impaired individual

Textural appliances Notification:

May be signs or other means of displaying a message to meet the needs of occupant and operator of facilities

Connecting to circuit depends on:

  • Appliance
  • Current
  • Voltage requirement

Buildings control systems:

  • Elevator control
  • Fan control
  • Stair pressurization
  • Door control
  • Elevator control
    • Control building elevator during emergency
    • Recall elevator to safe location

Sprinklers in elevator machine rooms or shafts:

  • System stops power to elevator (by shunt trip function)

Protects equipment and indivisual:

  • Prevents the equipment for being damage
  • Prevents indivisual from being electrocuted

System may provide advanced warning:

  • Fan control
  • Stair pressurization
  • Door control
  • Supervisory

Damper Position Switch:

  • Fire and smoke dampers located in HVAC systems
  • Normally open
  • Close during a fire to limit the spread of fire and smoke through HVAC systems
  • Air Flow Indicator
  • Verifies fan operation
  • System needs to know if air is flowing or not flowing

Industrial process supervision:

  • Provided for non-fire protection equipment including:
  • Heating systems
  • Pumps
  • Ventilation systems
  • Exhaus systems
  • Off normal condition = Supervisory event

Control Panels:

Fire alarm general specifications:

  • System Center
  • Connect Initiating Devices to Notification Appliances together to form a system.
  • Supply power to Initiating Devices and Notification Appliances
  • Monitor Initiating Devices and Notification Appliances for alarm condition (Supervision)

Fire alarm panel types and addressing methods:

  • Conventional
    • Identifies fire location by zones. Zone refer to device types and areas of the building.
  • Intelligent (Addressable System)
    • Introduced by Siemens in 1982.
    • Identifies specific initiating devices.
    • Mix different devices on a single circuit.

How panel monitors the field devices?

By passing the small current through circuit and monitoring the current received at the control panel.

By pulling the addresses of each the device programmed in the system to assure that devices properly

How is the operation of the fire panel?

  • Via Person Machine Interface (PMI)

How Information displayed in the fire panel?

  • LED Indicator
  • Text in LCD (liquid crystal display)
  • Graphics

Event Types in fire alarm panels:

  • Alarm: fire condition
  • Supervisory: off-normal condition
  • Trouble (fault): part of system not properly working

Fire alarm circuit types:

  • IDC: Initiation Device Circuit
    • Support Limited amount of devices
    • Smoke detectors need current
    • Thermal detectors and manual stations do not!
  • NAC: Notification Appliance
  • SLC: Signalling Line Circuit

Fire alarm circuit classes:

  • Class B
  • Class A

Power Supplies:

Power supplies are divided to two main categories:

1- Primary: From power provider company (main supply)

2- Secondary: When power failure occurs: Battery back-up or UPS (Uninterruptible power supply)

Devices required to operate on secondary power

In power Failure under the worst case (Design):

  • all devices must operate for 24 Hour continuously
  • Secondary power for about 15 minutes

Codes & Standards:

General points:

  • Systems are required to meet design and local codes.
  • Codes increase system effectiveness and reliability.
  • Codes save lives.
  • The private sector creates and drives the codes.
  • Voluntary system produces a balanced standard.

About NFPA (National Fire Protection Association):

  • Was stablished in 1896.
  • Fire prevention advocate.
  • Authoritative source on public safety.
  • Standards reflect cross section of interests.
  • Based on input from:
    • Regulatory officials
    • Manufacturers
    • End users

About NFPA 72:

  • Provide requirement for alarm system:
    • Installation
    • Performance
    • Testing
    • Inspection
    • Maintenance
  • NFPA system classification:
  • Sounds an alarm
  • Manual or automatic operation
  • Auto operation: Sprinkler system, Carbon dioxide discharge, Smoke detection, heat detection
  • Auxiliary Fire Alarm Systems.
  • Central Station Fire Alarm System.
  • Combination Systems.
  • Household Fire Alarm System.
  • Municipal Fire Alarm System.
  • Proprietary Supervising Station Fire Alarm System.
  • Protected Premises (Local) Fire Alarm System.
  • Public Fire Alarm Reporting System.
  • Remote Supervising Station Fire Alarm System.

About UL (Underwriters Laboratories):

  • Equipment must pass rigorous testing procedure
  • UL develops standards and test procedures
  • Fire detection and alarm equipment must be listed

About FM Approvals (Part of FM Global):

  • FM Approvals tests systems
  • Provide certification

About VdS (Vertrauen durch Sicherheit):

  • VdS inspects and certifies products
  • Inspection on Site
  • VdS laboratories conduct tests for products used for fire and intrusion prevention.
  • All tests are based on VdS rules.
  • Fire: Smoke detectors, Sprinkler systems, Gas extinguishing systems, etc.
  • Intrusion: Lock systems, Intruder alarm systems, Safes and strong rooms, Locks for bikes and motorbikes, etc.
  • VdS supports manufacturers in obtaining the CE-marking and the declarations of conformity.

Other related abbreviations:

  • ICC (International Code Council)
  • AHJ (Authority having jurisdiction)

Each municipality in USA sets:

  • System requirements
  • Identifies codes to enforce
  • Identifies an official to enforce the code
  • Responsible official called AHJ:
  • Qualified inspector
  • Building official
  • Fire marshal
  • Check for compliance


Based on Siemens Online training courses

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