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119: FAT and SAT procedures

FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) is the equipment test before shipment to site at vendor's factory or workshop and SAT (Site Acceptance Test) is the final test after installation and commissioning at client's site. Both tests are used to ensure that equipment functions are complied with customer's requirements and fit for their intended use.

1- FAT

The purpose of FAT is that customer can closely observe the performance of the product or system and decide that equipment are allowed to be shipped to the site or not.

FAT procedure are as below:

  • Inspection
    • Design
    • Specification
    • Fabrication
    • Quality
    • Safety of equipment
    • Documentation in engineering phase
  • Functional test
    • Main parts
    • Whole system

2- SAT

The purpose of the SAT is to finalize the project and deliver it to the end user.

SAT procedure are as below:

  • Inspection
    • Installation work
    • Safety of installation
    • As built documentation
  • Functional test
    • Whole system

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