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255: Cost Calculator for Living in Austria

What is the cost of living in Austria? The answer to this question is not so simple. It totally depends on the person's situation.

  • Place of living
  • Age
  • Living alone, with parent or partner and children.
  • Using private car or public transportation
  • Eating at home or in a restaurant
  • Monthly savings amount
  • Number of short and long trips during the year
  • Consumption culture and personal lifestyle

However, below is an attempt to give a simple estimate for a single person.

Note: Estimated average price for a single person per month, Updated 12.2023

Description Price (Euro)
Apartment rent  (Wohnung Miete), 1 Bed room in city center 550
Heating (Heizung) / Cooling (Kühlung) 50
Insurance apartment (Versicherung Wohnung) 10
Cell phone & internet at home (Handy & Internet zu Hause) 50
Electricity (Strom) 100
TV: fees (GIS) (TV: Gebühren) 30
TV: Streaming service (V: Streamingdienst) 15
  • Transportation
Description Price (Euro)
Train/tram/bus, annual ticket for Vienna (Bahn/Straßenbahn/Bus, Jahreskarte für Wien) 35
Train - advantage card (Zug – Vorteilskarte) 10
Taxi, Bicycle, Scooter etc (Taxi, Fahrrad, Roller usw) 50
Rental Car (Mietwagen) 100
Airplane  (Flugzeug) 60
Description Price (Euro)
Bank: account management (Bank: Kontoführung) 20
Bank: Insurance (Bank: Versicherung) 30
Bank: Fund or Saving Money (Bank: Fond oder Geld sparen) ?




  • Health
Description Price (Euro)
Doctor (Arzt) 10
Sport for example Gym (Fitnessstudio) or Tennis 30




  • Food, clothing, shopping and entertainment
Description Price (Euro)
Breakfast (Frühstück) 100
Lunch (Mittagessen ) 200
Dinner (Abendessen 200
Coffee (Kaffee) 100
Snack, Fruits etc. (Snack, Obst usw.)) 50
Clothing and shoes (Kleidung und Schuhe) 100
Fun (Spaß): Cinema, Billiard, Bowling, Smoking, Alcoholic beverages  and so on 150
  • Car
Description Price (Euro)
Service card (Servicekarte), For example OEAMTC Club 12
Insurance (Versicherung) 70
Motorway vignette (Autobahnvignette) 10
Tunnel vignette (Tunnelvignette) 5
Parking ticket (Parkschein), In Vienna, payment per district is annual 25
Regular expenses (Regelmäßige Ausgaben), New Pickerl + Services + Repair + Tyres 150
Fuel (Treibstoff) 150
  • Family expenses (Familienausgaben)
Description Price (Euro)
Apartment rent  (Wohnung Miete), 3 Bed room outside of city center 1200
Childcare (Kinderbetreuung) 300

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