In late November and early December before Christmas, such markets are held in Austrian cities and rural regions, like many Christian countries around the world. Especially Austria, Germany and Switzerland.
Christmas market in Austria known by following names:
- Weihnachtsmarkt
- Christkindlmarkt (Christ Child Market)
- Adventmarkt
- Dezembermarkt (December market)
They are temporary markets that are often set up in famous streets, town squares, parks or areas around churches in a very short time to connect the short autumn days among the decorative lights, music and smell of mulled wine, hot fried breads and sweets to its long nights.
Open air stalls offer following:
- Farm shops
- Cheese (Käse)
- Speck (Bacon)
- Salt (Salz)
- Spices (Gewürze)
- Foods stalls
- Bratwurst (Fried sausage)
- Puszta-Bosna
- Käsekrainer
- Leberkäse (Meatloaf)
- Käseleberkäse
- Käseteuferl
- Käsespätzle (Cheese noodles)
- Mohn - Nussnudeln
- Krautnudeln mit Speck
- Leg ham (Beinschinken)
- Erdäpfel Puffer
- Erdäpfelgröstl
- Ofenkartoffel
- Kartoffelchips
- Blunzengröstl
- Langos
- Crêpe
- Palatschinken
- Burger
- Shinkenfleckerl
- Schinkengröstl
- Bauernkrapfen
- Arancini
- Drinks stalls (alcoholic and non- alcoholic drinks)
- Punsch & Glühwein
- Glühwein (mulled wine)
- Glühwein rot
- Glühwein weiß
- Beerenglühwein
- Zirbenglühwein
- Schilcher Glühwein
- Glühwürmchen
- Glühmost
- Kinderpunsch (Children tea)
- Adventpunsch
- Orangen Punsch
- Apfel Punsch
- Mango Punsch
- Pfirsich Punsch
- Zirben Punsch
- Beeren Punsch
- Himbeer Punsch
- Zitrone-Ingwer Punsch
- Zwetschken Punsch
- Marillenpunsch
- Aperol Punsch
- Jägermeister Punsch
- Tequilla Punsch
- Weichsel – Amaretto Punsch
- Hauspunsch
- Eierpunsch (egg based warm alcoholic drink)
- Turbo Punsch
- Turbo-Marille
- Feuerzangenbowle
- Beer
- Schnäpse
- Birne
- Himbeer
- Jägermeister
- Berliner Luft
- Wiener Dirndl Schnaps
- Spritzer
- Juice
- Apple (Apfelsaft)
- Orange (Orangensaft)
- Raspberry crackers (Himbeerkracherl)
- Coffee
- Brauner (Mokka mit Sahne oder Milch)
- Mineral Water
- Still
- Prickelnd
- Icetea (Eistee)
- Energy-Drinks
- Coca Cola
- Red Bull
- Punsch & Glühwein
- Breads
- Brezen (Pretzels)
- Sweets (Süßigkeiten), Nuts and Coockies
- Candied
- Chocolate
- Cotton candy (Zuckerwatte)
- Candied Almonds (Gebrannte Mandeln)
- Roasted Almonds with salt
- Roasted cashews with salt
- Lebkuchen (form of soft gingerbread)
- Magenbrot (form of soft gingerbread)
- Candy fruits (Kandierte früchte)
- Baumkuchen (Cylindrical cake)
- Roasted nuts and Potatos
- Roasted Chestnuts (Maroni)
- Fried potato chips
- Spirals curly chips
- Roasted potato
- Potato pancakes (Kartoffelpuffer)
- Handicrafts
- Wooden animals (Holztiere)
- Ceramic critters (Keramik Viechereien)
- Glass art (Glas Kunst)
- Leather tailoring (Lederschneiderei)
- Rhythm instruments made of wood, bamboo, gourds, etc (Rhythmusinstrumente aus Holz, Bambus, Flaschenkürbis u.s.w)
- Painting (Malerei)
- Noodle walker (Nudelwalker)
- Nutcracker (Nussknacker)
- Home decoration
- Decorative furniture (Schmück Möbel)
- Jewelry (Schmuck)
- Stainless steel jewelry (Edelstahl schmuck)
- Seasonal Items
- Candles (Kerzen)
- Scented candles (Duftkerzen)
- Soap (Seifen)
- Mug (Häferl)
- Dried Fruit (plums etc.)
- Incense (Räucherwerk)
- Herbal pedagogy (Kräuterpädagogik)
- Pickled (Eingelegte)
In the area of Christmas markets, you can often see the following attractions:
- Nativity Scene (Weihnachtskrippe)
- Playgrounds for kids
- Winter clothes
- Toys
You can visit the website to find the information about the location and time of activities of different markets in Vienna. For other cities and regions, you can find the necessary information from the websites of the municipalities (Gemeinden).
Some of the Christmas markets in Vienna are listed below:
- Rathausplatz, District 1 (website)
- Maria-Theresien-Platz, District 1 (website)
- Freyung, District 1 (website)
- Am Hof, District 1 (website)
- Stephansplatz, District 1 (website)
- Riesenradplatz, District 2 (website)
- Almadvent, District 2 (website)
- Schloss Belvedere, District 3 (website)
- Mittelalterlicher Adventmarkt Heeresgeschichtliches Museum, Distric 3
- Karlplatz, District 4 (website)
- Spittelberg, District 7 (website)
- Palais Freiluft, District 8, (website)
- Campus der Universität Wien, District 9 (website)
- Gartenpalais Liechtenstein, District 9 (website)
- Adventmarket Favoriten, District 10
- Christkindlmarkt vor Kirche am Simmeringer Enklplatz, Distric 11
- Weihnahctsdorf im Schloss Neugebäude, Distric 11
- Adventmarket Meidling (Pedestrian zone), Distric 12
- Schloss Schönbrunn, District 13 (website)
- Ottakringerplatz, District 16 (website)
- Türkenschanzpark, District 18 (website)
- Floridsdorfer Adventmarkt, Distric 21
- Blumengärten Hirschstetten, District 22 (website)
Specials from Xmas Markets:
- Dog Punch (Hundepunsch)
- Knife shop (Messerei)
- Santa Claus (Weihnachtsmann)
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