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302: TBE vaccination (FSME-Impfung) in Austria

First, let's get acquainted with the following terms:

  • TBE (FSME): It is the name of a virus that stands for tick-borne encephalitis. FSME is a German equivalent for TBE (Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis).
  • Tick (Zecke): An insect-like creature that belongs to the category of spiders (arachnids)! They feed on animal and human blood. Some types of ticks carry the TBE virus and can transmit it while sucking blood.
  • Encephalitis: A medical term related to inflammation of brain tissues that involves the nervous system!

In simple words, the TBA virus enters the human brain by the bite of infected ticks and leaves permanent neurological damage that may even cause paralysis or death!

High risk places:

  • Grasses, bushes and tree leaves in the nature or parks
  • Forest habitats

Preventive measures:

  • Wearing clothes that reduce the possibility of tick bites
  • Use of insect repellents

Age and physical conditions of vaccination:

  • Older than one year
  • After the doctor's confirmation

Typical symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Joint and muscle aches
  • Neck stiffness
  • Similar to flu

Vaccination time and periods: => Recommended by the federal ministry of health

  • Initial immunisation: 3 doses of vaccine
    • 1st Dose: It is recommended to inject at the beginning of winter so that the first two doses are done before the tick season begins.
    • 2nd Dose: 1 to 3 months after the first dose
    • 3rd Dose: 5 to 12 months after the second dose
  • First boosters: 3 years after initial immunisation
  • Further boosters: In a time interval of 5 years (up to 60 years old), in a time interval of 3 years (over 60 years old)


  • This post does not provide any medical advice! It is only general information about this type of vaccination in Austria. Finally, you should get medical advice from your doctor.
  • TBE (FSME) vaccine is only used against TBE virus and not for Lyme disease (caused by Borreliose bacteria), which can also be transmitted to the human body through tick bites!
Gebiete mit FSME Erkrankungen nach Angaben aus den einzelnen Ländern und der WHO, Stand - November 2016

Areas with TBE diseases according to information from the individual countries and WHO - November 2016

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