Transportation in Austria - Train Slider Hamido dot at

232: Transportation in Austria – Train

If you want to use the train in Austria, the first words that attracts attention are ÖBB and Westbahn:

1- ÖBB is the Austrian Federal Railways (Österreichische Bundesbahnen) which was established in 1923.

  • Trains passing through Vienna: At the moment passes through the central train station (Wien Hauptbahnhof).

2- Westbahn is the Private company with the complete name of WESTbahn Management GmbH

    • Railway: ViennaSankt PöltenLinzSalzburg
    • Trains passing through Vienna: At the moment passes through the west train station (Wien Westbahnhof).

Train Types:

1- Long-distance trains (Fernverkehrszüge)

  • rjx: Railjet xpress: ÖBB High-speed trains (Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge)
  • rj: Railjet: ÖBB High-speed trains (Hochgeschwindigkeitszüge)
  • IEC (Intercity Express): Quality train with extended service (Qualitätszug mit erweitertem Service)
  • EC (Eurocity): Quality train with extended service (Qualitätszug mit erweitertem Service)
  • IC (Intercity): Quality train with standard service (Qualitätszug mit Standardservice)
  • EN (Euronight): Quality train with extended service (Qualitätszug mit erweitertem Service)
  • Nightjet: Quality train with extended service (Qualitätszug mit erweitertem Service)
  • D: Fast train (Schnellzug)
  • CAT: City Airport Train

2- Local Trains (Nahverkehrszüge)

  • R: Regional train, 2nd Class (Regionalzug, 2. Klasse)
  • REX: Regional Express
  • CJX: Cityjet xpress
  • S-Bahn


There are different ways to buy train tickets from ÖBB:

  1. ÖBB Website or Application
  2. Westbahn Website
  3. Ticket machines (Ticketautomat) at train stations
  4. Ticket counters (sales units) at the main train stations
  5. Train attendant (Bordverkauf) on long distance trains and in special cases
  • Please note that if you don’t inform the ÖBB employee before the ticket check, you may have to pay a heavy fine!
  • On-board price (Bordpreis) will be added to the standard ticket price as well.
  • At the moment for Westbahn Company you pay on board!

Usually, in Austria, there is no ticket control to enter the train either by the train attendants or electronically. But during the journey, the train attendants randomly check the tickets.

Currently, there are discount conditions for train tickets that depend on the following conditions (Please check ÖBB website for latest updates):

  1. Buying online (website or application)
  2. Booking earlier (1-14 days before the travel day)
  3. Booking earlier (15-180 days the travel day)
  4. Advantage cards (Vorteilskarte)

Please note that you can reserve the ticket with different conditions:

  • 1st class
    • Rree snacks and drinks, magazines, WiFi etc.
  • 2nd class (Business class)
    • Please note that in some trains, if you do not reserve your seat, other passengers may ask you to change your seat during the journey! Seat reservation status is usually listed on the top of the seat.
Ticket Machnie OEBB

Time Tables (Fahrplanbild):

  • Departure (Abfahrt)
  • Arrival (Ankunft)
Time table (Departure-Arrival)

Train wagon types:

When boarding the train, make sure that your ticket type matches the wagon you want to board. The position of the wagons (economy, business etc.) in the station (for example from A to Z) is usually announced by the station speaker when the train enters the station. In most cases, the zone classes are marked with text or numbers next to the entrance doors.

  • First, Business => 1
  • Economy => 2
  • First (1), Quiet Zone (Ruhezone)
  • Economy (2), Quiet Zone (Ruhezone)
Train Class Business
Train Class Economy
Train Quiet zone (Ruhezone)

Train doors:

The doors of intercity trains usually do not open automatically at the stations and must be opened by the passenger. Opening mechanism in new trains is via a button and in old trains it is usually by a lever.

Train door - Buttons outside
Train door - Buttons inside
Train door - Lever outside sample 1
Train door - Lever inside sample 1
Train door - Lever inside sample 2

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