If you want to use the train in Austria, the first words that attracts attention are ÖBB and Westbahn:
1- ÖBB is the Austrian Federal Railways (Österreichische Bundesbahnen) which was established in 1923.
2- Westbahn is the Private company with the complete name of WESTbahn Management GmbH
1- Long-distance trains (Fernverkehrszüge)
2- Local Trains (Nahverkehrszüge)
There are different ways to buy train tickets from ÖBB:
Usually, in Austria, there is no ticket control to enter the train either by the train attendants or electronically. But during the journey, the train attendants randomly check the tickets.
Currently, there are discount conditions for train tickets that depend on the following conditions (Please check ÖBB website for latest updates):
Please note that you can reserve the ticket with different conditions:
When boarding the train, make sure that your ticket type matches the wagon you want to board. The position of the wagons (economy, business etc.) in the station (for example from A to Z) is usually announced by the station speaker when the train enters the station. In most cases, the zone classes are marked with text or numbers next to the entrance doors.
The doors of intercity trains usually do not open automatically at the stations and must be opened by the passenger. Opening mechanism in new trains is via a button and in old trains it is usually by a lever.
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