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311: Disability in Austria


The information below has been collected only to provide an overview. To receive more and up-to-date information, you should refer to the Austrian government websites (Sozialministeriumservice, municipalities, etc.)

To use disability services in Austria, people with disabilities need to first officially prove their disabilities from the relevant departments. Then they can benefit from the necessary social services according to the percentage of the disability. Usually, the relevant doctors first assess the degree of disability and then the rest of the steps are administrative affairs.

Disability Identity Card (Behindertenpass):

An official photo ID card is used as proof of a disability nationwide

  • Regardless of the nature of the disability
  • Unlimited validity period

Advantages (depends on the case - not for all):

Having a disability ID card does not entitle the card holder any financial advantage. But in special cases, it can sometimes lead to the following benefits:

  • Receiving discounts at various events, transportation costs, etc.
  • Exemption from certain taxes or charges
  • The possibility of receiving a parking permits (disability ID card is not a parking permit!)
  • Receiving support fund
  • Grants for specific projects (before carrying out or purchasing):
    • Flat adaption for wheelchair
    • Car adaption
    • Assistance or therapy dogs
  • Care allowance
  • Increased family allowance
  • Cash benefits and subsidies

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