As a foreigner, you are invited to a party in a German-speaking country like Austria. Even if you can communicate with others in another language like English, you will love to know what others around you are saying in German! Over time, the need to learn becomes more and more! The following content beside German language basics, can help you learn better and easier.
Frequently-used words (Häufig verwendete Wörter):
- die Party (party)
- die Feier (celebration, party, ceremony)
- feiern (to celebrate)
- die Hochzeitsfeier (wedding party)
- die Geburtstagsfeier (birthday party)
- der Club (club)
- der Verein (club, society)
- die Kneipe (pub, bar)
- das Lokal (pub, bar)
- die Einladung (invitation)
- der Türsteher (doorman, bouncer)
- das Geschenk (gift, present)
- der Gast (guest)
- der Gastgeber (host), die Gastgeberin (hostess)
- die Musik (music)
- der Luftballon (balloon)
- tanzen (to dance)
- die Tanzfläche (dance floor)
die Getränke (beverages)
- das Getränk (beverage, drink)
- der Drink (drink) – (Alcoholic & Non-alcoholic)
- das Wasser (water, aqua)
- die Cola (cola, coke)
- die Eiswürfel (ice cubes)
- die Limonade (lemonade, soda)
- das Bier (beer)
- der Alkohol (alcohol)
- der Cocktail (cocktail)
- das Mixgetränk (mixed drink)
Kuchen und Süßigkeiten (cakes and sweets)
- der Kuchen (cake)
- die Torte (cake, pie)
- die Glasur (icing, glaze, frosting)
- das Eis (ice, ice cream)
Conversation in party:
die Konversation (conversation)
- Ich besorge das Bier. (I'll get the beer, I’ll take care of the beer)
- Prost! (cheers!)
- Zum Wohl! (cheers!)
- Noch ein Bier, bitte. (another beer please)
- Das ist mir egal! (I don't care!)
- Möchtest du tanzen? (Would you like to dance?)
- Guten Appetit. (enjoy your meal, bon appetite)
Conversation after party:
- Ich hatte Spaß auf der Party (I had fun at the party)
- Die Party hat mir viel Spaß gemacht (I had a lot of fun at the party)
- Auf der Party habe ich mich amüsiert (I had fun at the party)
- Ich war gelangweilt auf der Party (I was bored at the party)
- Mir war auf der Party langweilig (I was bored at the party)
- Auf der Party habe ich mich gelangweilt (I was bored at the party)
In addition, you can refer to the following subjects to get acquainted with commonly used words and phrases:
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