How to make it - Slider - About Austria - Hamido

148: How job seekers can find accommodation in Vienna

Accommodation solutions:

When job seekers arrive to Vienna they can select below solutions:

1- Vacation rental marketplace (peer to peer accommodation)

2- Hospitality exchange services

3- Hotel or Motel

4- Dorm (Studentenheim)

4- Apartment / flat (Wohnung)

  • Private apartment
  • Shared apartment (WG: Wohngemeinschaft)
  • Community housing (Gemeindewohnungen)
  • Cooperative apartment (Genossenschaftswohnung)

For renting the apartment below items are important:

  • Location
  • Distance from public transportation
  • Bulding type
  • Facilities
  • Furnishings

Important terms:

  1. Commission (Kommission): real estate agent fee
  2. Deposit (Kaution): usually two to three times of the rent.
  3. Rent without heating (Kalt miete)
  4. Rent including heating (Warm miete)
  5. Additional costs (Nebenkosten)
    • Heater (Heizung)
      • Electricity (Strom) for heating
      • Central (Zentral)
      • Floor (Etage)
    • Electricity (Strom) for other usage

You can find the apartment via below sources:

  1. Real estate agents (Immobilienmakler(in) / Immobilienhändler(in))
  2. Word of mouth (e.g. friends, neighbours and colleagues)
  3. Advertisements


  • All of the above choices can lead to problems, additional costs, and even various risks if not properly researched and used carefully. Pay attention to your circumstances and then choose! Sometimes paying a little extra for a consultation, is more rational and economical in the long run. below websites may can help:
  • Before signing the contract, ask for an English version or ask for advice from someone who is fluent in German.
  • Electricity and natural gas costs:
  • Radio and TV cost:
  • Registration form for accommodation in AT:
  • Please note that the introduced websites are only for your information about the market and with the aim of helping newcomers to Austria, and we have no connection with them and are not responsible for their services.
  • Postal code guide in Vienna: In Austria postal codes (PLZ: Postleitzahl) consist of 4 digits. Range of the postal code in Vienna is 1000 - 1901. The second and third digits indicate the district number (XXXX). For example PLZ: 1120 is for district 12.

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