How to make it - Slider - About Austria - Hamido

296: Fasching in Austria

Fasching or Karneval is an annual festival in Austria and some other German speaking countries. Fasching is derived from the german word Fastenschank which refers to the last serving of alcoholic beverages before the beginning of the fasting period which called lent (Fastenzeit). Fasting period is forty days before Easter (Ostern).

  • Time: Before the lent (Fastenzeit) and between Epiphany (Epiphaniasfest) and Ash Wednesday (Aschermittwoch)
  • Celebration: Costume parties with masquerade, parades and processions (walking or by car), music, dancing etc.
Ardning Austria 02-2019

Ardning, Styria (02-2019)

Liezen Austria 02-2019

Liezen, Styria (02-2019)

Related German words:

  • der Karneval (carnival)
  • der Fasching (carnival)
    • das Faschingsfest (carnival festival)
    • der Faschingsumzug (carnival parade)
    • der Kinderfasching (children's carnival)
  • das Festival (festival)
  • die Parade (parade)

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