If you want to buy a souvenir from Austria for one of your family members, relatives or friends, you will have many options that will help you make the right choice. Souvenirs usually includes symbols or flags of important places, historical buildings, landscapes, etc.
Some of the popular options are listed below:
- Postcard (Ansichtskarte, Postkarte)
- Austrian book (Österreichisches Buch)
- Card game (Kartenspiel)
- Handbag (Handtasche)
- Bag charm (Taschenanhänger)
- Purse (Geldbeutel, Geldbörse)
- Jewelry box (Schmuckbox)
- Piece of jewelry (Schmuckstück)
- Swarovski
- Business card box (Visitenkartenbox)
- Pill boxes (Pillendosen)
- Glasses case (Brillenetui)
- Phone case (Phone Hülle)
- Selfie-stick (Selfie-stick)
- Mouse pad (Mauspad)
- Writing pad (Schreibunterlage)
- Snow ball/globe (Schneekugeln)
- Ballpoint pen (Kugelschreiber)
- Swiss pocket knife (Schweizer Taschenmesser)
- Lighter (Feuerzeug)
- Lantern (Laterne)
- Bottle opener (Flaschenöffner)
- Magnet (Magnet)
- Nail filing (Nagelfeilen)
- Mirror (Spiegel)
- Cloths (Tücher)
- Nose-mouth protection (Nase-mund schutz)
- Breakfast board (Frühstücksbrett)
- Coaster (Untersetzer)
- Plate (Teller)
- Standee (Aufsteller)
- Chocolate (Schokolade)
- Wafers (Manner etc.)
- Mozart Ball (Mozartkugel)
- Jam (Marmelade)
- Staud’s Jam
- Alcoholic drink (Alkoholisches Getränk)
- Liquor (Schnaps)
- Non-alcoholic drink (Alkoholfreies Getränk)
- Demmers Tea (Demmers Tee)
- Coffee (Julius Meinl, Helmut Sachers, Bieder & Maier etc.)
- Oil (Öl)
- Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil (Steirisches Kürbiskernöl)
- Cheese (Käse)
- Sausage (Wurst)
- Souvenir medal (Souvenir Medaille)
Please note that if you are a tourist from non-European country, you may be able to claim VAT (value added tax) back when you leave the country (Tax-Free).
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