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280: Heating and cooling systems in Austria

In Austria, as in most countries of the world, fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, coal etc.) still play an important role. Heating and cooling are still partially based on these energies either directly (fossil fuels) or indirectly (electricity, district heating etc.)

Of course, many attempts have been made to use other sources, some of which have been successful to a large extent:

  • Hydro
  • Wind
  • Solar
  • Biomass

It may be interesting to note that there is only one nuclear reactor in Austria which never been in operation and is only used for research purposes by the Vienna university of technology (TU Wien, Atominstitut).

Decarbonising (carbon neutrality) the heating system by 2040 is one of the main programs in the whole federal states and is the focus of most political parties.

Heating systems:

1- Natural gas heating (26% - 2013)

2- District heating or regional warming (hot water supply) (25% - 2013)

The Spittelau tower can be seen from many parts of Vienna. This is an example of regional warming. This tower is a waste incinerator plant (Müllverbrennungsanlage). One part of extensive thermal network through insulated pipes provides hot water for water and space heating of buildings in some districts of Vienna. Of course, there are other sources for providing this heat and transfering besides burning wastes. Other biomass sources (wood and garden wastes, animal and human wastes etc.), geothermal heating, solar heating and even fossil fuels are used directly or indirectly.

3- Wood burning (20% - 2013)

If you travel by car to small towns and villages, you will see woodsheds next to many houses. It means that burning wood is still an accepted and economical option.

4- Oil heating (19% - 2013)

5- Electricity, direct (7% - 2013)

6- Solar heat pumps (3% - 2013)

7- Coal heating (less than 1% - 2013)

Cooling systems:

In Austria, like most European countries, due to the climate of central Europe, in the past there was no need for cooling systems in houses. This can be easily seen in old buildings. In recent decades, with clear changes in weather conditions, this need has been felt and changes have been made in buildings.

Spittelau tower Vienna (02-2024)

Spittelau tower Vienna (02-2024)

Words and phrases related to heating and cooling in German:

  • die Hitze (heat)
  • die Erhitzung (heating)
  • die Heizung (heating, heating system)
  • die Heizungsanlage (heating system)
  • das Heizungssystem (heating system)
  • die Beheizung (heating)
  • die Kühlung (cooling, cooling system)
  • das Heizsystem (heating system)
  • das Kühlsystem (cooling system)
  • das Heizkühlsystem (heating cooling system)
  • die Wärme (heat)
  • die Fernwärme (district heating system)
  • das Fernwärmenetz (district heating network)
  • das Fernkältenetz (district cooling network)
  • der Kamin (fireplace, chimney)
    • die Offene Kamine (open fireplaces)
  • der Ofen (oven, stove)
    • die Kaminöfen (fireplaces stoves)
    • die Holzöfen (wood burning stoves)
    • die Kachelöfen (tiled stoves)
  • das Heizgerät (heater)
  • der Heizkörper (radiator)
  • der Boiler (boiler)
  • die Klimaanlage (air conditioner)
  • die Lüftungsanlage (ventilation system)
  • heizen (to heat)
  • anheizen (heat up)
  • aufheizen (heat up)
  • anwärmen (warm up)
  • aufwärmen (warm up)

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